Enjoy the freedom to record and watch programs in multiple rooms with FusionTV’s Whole-Home Cloud DVR.
With Whole-Home CDVR (Cloud Digital Video Recorder) service, it’s quick and easy to automatically record an episode or a whole season and watch it at your convenience. You can view DVR recordings using any networked set-top box in your home, and even finish watching a recorded program in one room that was started in another. DVR until your heart’s content!
- Record up to 10 programs at once
- Never lose your recordings to failed equipment or power outage*
- Save time by fast-forwarding through recorded programming that doesn’t interest you
Whole-Home CDVR Pricing
- $9.95 – 250GB storage + 2 streams of recording
- $12.95 – 250 GB storage + 4 streams of recording – BEST VALUE!
- $19.95 – 500 GB storage + 10 streams of recording
FusionTV+ Whole-Home CDVR allows you to watch TV on your terms with a touch of a button. It doesn’t matter what time your program actually airs. Record it and watch when it’s convenient for you. With your CDVR, you control the TV schedule. Add Whole-Home CDVR to your account today by calling 563-245-4000.
*This feature is available with CDVR. If you have a traditional FusionTV DVR service installed before July 1, 2018, you will need to switch to CDVR to obtain this feature.