
Is Your Kid Ready For A Smart Phone?

There is no shortage of advice and opinions about when and how to introduce and increase internet access and device usage to children. While there’s no one-size-fits-all approach, we believe it’s important for parents to think intentionally about when their own children are ready to explore the boundless world of the internet. In today’s blog, […]

How To End Peak-Hour Slowdowns

It’s an aggravating experience far too often felt by far too many cable, DSL, or satellite internet users across America—the moment you finally get some time to unwind and enjoy your home internet, it’s painfully slow and sluggish, sometimes to the point of being all-but inoperable. So why does this happen to so many internet […]

Among Us: What Parents Need to Know

Few parents can go more than a day without their kids talking about their favorite online games. Fortunately, there are many positive benefits to kids playing online video games in moderation, including improving problem solving skills and cultivating social cooperation. And many gamers (and their parents) believe that one particularly popular game does both quite […]

Five Telehealth Services That Make Life Easier

Over the past few years, one of the most significant innovations impacting healthcare in America is the massive expansion of online telehealth services. And given the numerous benefits and conveniences telehealth has to offer, that trend shows no signs of slowing down! From increasing access to specialists to reducing the spread of germs among vulnerable […]

Free Instagram Workshop

Did you know Instagram has one billion monthly active users, making it the third most popular social media network, following only Facebook and YouTube? This is a huge audience to put your business in front of, which is why we want you to learn how to maximize Instagram for your business and brand. We invite […]

Point, Shoot, Click, and Enter for a Chance to Win

Alpine Communications is looking for unique photos that represent the communities we serve, so we can put them on the cover of our 2020-2021 Northeast Iowa Regional Telephone Directory. Thousands of copies are distributed around Northeast Iowa, Southern Minnesota, and Southwest Wisconsin during the year. Alpine’s Directory Photo Directory Contest is open to amateur photographers […]

Strategic Marketing Presented by Alpine and ICAN

Successful marketing campaigns depend on reaching the right audience with the right message using the appropriate tactic in a timely fashion.  Elevate your marketing strategy with affordable TV advertising and digital tactics reaching customers in the Alpine Communications service area, throughout Iowa, and beyond. ICAN, Inc., an Iowa company, works with independent telephone companies and […]

2019 Directory Photo Contest

Take a Shot at Winning the Cover Enter Alpine’s Directory Photo Contest today! Alpine Communications is looking for unique photos that represent the communities we serve, so we can put them on the cover of our 2019-2020 Northeast Iowa Regional Telephone Directory. Thousands of copies are distributed around Northeast Iowa, Southern Minnesota, and Southwest Wisconsin […]

2019 Local Scholarship Opportunities

Alpine Communications has teamed up with The Foundation for Rural Service (FRS), Aureon, and Iowa Communications Alliance to offer three scholarship opportunities to our service areas’ high school seniors. The FRS college scholarship program awards twenty-five scholarships in the amount of $2,500 to winning applicants across the nation. Eligibility requirements and the application can be […]

George Maier Rural Heritage Center Receives Aureon Grant

Aureon is pleased to announce that an Aureon Charity Grant has been awarded to the George Maier Rural Heritage Center. The grant was presented in conjunction with Alpine Communications who sponsored the grant application. Upon reviewing an abundance of applications, the Aureon Charity Grant Committee delegated funds to projects committed to the betterment of local […]