Alpine & ICAN Community Cable Informational Session

Successful promotional campaigns depend on reaching the right audience with the right message at the right time. Get your business in the game with a...

Alpine Communications Offering Free Workshops

Free Technology, Entertainment, and Communications workshops will be offered to Alpine Communications Internet customers this spring, according to Chr...

Leliefled Photo is a Winner

Beth Leliefeld of Guttenberg submitted the winning entry in our recent directory cover photo contest. The photo, pictured here, was taken at Bussey L...

HBO & Cinemax Free Preview Weekend April 4-7

FusionTV customers are getting a free preview of HBO and Cinemax this weekend, April 4-7, 2014. The Dark Knight Rises, The Hangover Part 3, and The He...

Alpine Communications’ Statement on Viacom Channels

Monday, March 31st Update: Alpine Communications continues to negotiate with Viacom for continued carriage of 15 MTV Network channels. We anticip...

Alpine Partners with Telecommunications Access Iowa

Alpine Communications Partner with Telecommunications Access Iowa Telecommunications Access Iowa (TAI) is a program of the Iowa Utilities Board a...

Sun Spots May Affect TV Service

Just as a thunderstorm creates magnetic disturbances in the form of lightning, the sun also creates a magnetic disturbance while expending energy in t...

Pay By Phone

Making payments and inquiries on your balance can be done over the phone 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Please call 563-245-4000, listen to the prompt...

Join the “Rural Is Cool” Movement to Support Your Community

The NTCA - Rural Broadband Association created the “Rural Is Cool” movement as a way for rural Americans to use their voices to shape the future...

Cash for College: Apply Today for Local Scholarship Opportunities

Alpine Communications has teamed up with The Foundation for Rural Service (FRS) and the Iowa Communications Alliance to offer three scholarships oppo...

Register Today for Google School

Maximize the benefits of your email address, powered by Google Apps. Alpine is hosting one-hour, free “Google School” workshops in...

Complete a Survey for a Chance to Win $100

In an effort to provide you with the best possible service, Alpine Communications would appreciate your participation in our Customer Satisfaction Sur...