For Clayton Ridge Schools, serving approximately 630 students in grades K through 12, providing a safe and secure school environment is one of the highest priorities. “(The need for improving security) was prompted by the failed bond issue last year. One of the issues brought to the district’s attention by the public was improving safety surrounding the entrances into our main buildings,” said Shane Wahls, superintendent at Clayton Ridge Community School District. “We have been exploring options for security for a while and knew we needed to take action.”

Pictured are Mike Plumley, Alpine; and Shane Wahls, Clayton Ridge superintendent, at the entrance of the Middle School in Garnavillo with a surveillance camera in the background.

Pictured is Shirley Balk, Clayton Ridge Middle School secretary, monitoring the live video from the cameras installed throughout the district.
After attending a security lunch and learn last November hosted by Alpine Communications, Mr. Wahls and Clayton Ridge Schools selected Alpine as their security contractor. “It was important for us to work with a local service provider known for
delivering innovative solutions to our area,” noted Wahls.
Clayton Ridge collaborated with Alpine’s certified security specialists, Dirk Buckman, Tom Hyde, and Mike Plumley, to prioritize the district’s needs and identify the most at-risk areas. The district, along with input from their staff, determined the first phase would include installing surveillance cameras to monitor the main entrances to the High School, Elementary, and Middle School in addition to interior hallways. “Alpine also provided us with an affordable security solution that fit within our budget,” commented Wahls.
“Alpine installed the cameras during our fall during breaks, so there was no disruption to the learning environment. The system is very easy-to-use and gives us flexible options for monitoring. For example, from the Middle School in Garnavillo we can observe the entrances at the High School in Guttenberg,” noted Mr. Wahls. “The security cameras have been well received by students and public and is very positive for our district.”
“As an engaged member of the community, Alpine Communications prides itself on delivering the latest technology and highest quality of service available to our subscribers,” said Chris Hopp, general manager at Alpine Communications. “We were very excited to provide Clayton Ridge Community School District with a superior surveillance solution that would not disrupt the school’s mission to educate our children.”
“We continue to work closely with the school administrators to best understand how this solution can continue to evolve to meet the immediate needs of each campus,” noted Hopp.