Every home, business and organization in the Iowa communities of Elkader, Elgin, Guttenberg, Garnavillo, Marquette, and McGregor that subscribes to telephone or Internet service from Alpine Communications has a fiber optic connection at no additional charge. Elkader and Guttenberg are some of the first cities in Iowa, and some of the first in the entire country, with a citywide fiber network.
Fiber to the Home (FTTH) technology allows telecommunications services to be transported over fiber optic cables—the best technology available. Fiber has virtually unlimited capacity to bring telephone, Internet, digital television, and other services to subscribers – with very high quality and reliability. The positive impact of fiber touches us all – as individuals, as home and business owners and occupants of a healthier earth.
For the Home:
- There is a dramatic increase in the quality of life due to the greatly expanded offerings of online entertainment, education, culture and e-commerce.
- It’s easier to work from home. You literally can do almost anything from your home office that you do at your desk in the workplace.
- Services and assistance geared to the elderly and shut-ins may enable them to remain independent and stay in their homes longer.
- Property values for homes with a fiber optic connection show a significant increase in property values compared to developments that lack advanced fiber utilities. It creates a potential increase in the value of your house by up to $5,000.
* FTTH Council survey of home buyers and home developers
For Local Businesses:
- Increased speed and data capacity translates to greater productivity; your employees spend less time waiting and more time doing.
- Distance learning and telemeetings save both time and money on travel costs.
- Telecommuting enables your pool of potential employees to increase by 1000s – soccer moms needing flexible hours, disabled veterans that can’t just jump in the car and head to work, specialists in your business that can mentor and train from afar… to name just a few.
- It’s easier to compete in a global business environment. Being located in a lower cost area, with less crime, less traffic, less overhead means you can provide the same or superior product for less.